Second Chance Animal Rescue Society


My name is Vince (form Vincent I suppose) and if you wanna know my story, you need to give me a cookie… (gulp). I am constantly hungry they say – I say that food is an important value in a dog’s life. I am also strong, let me show you how – give a cookie …(gulp). Of course, apart from external qualities, I also have internal ones. Mental (I am smart) and emotinal (I am cuddly). Yes I am cuddly, and I admit that, because no man should be ashamed to admit that he is hungry (gulp). I was born around January (2020) on the street, with my siblings, and I am looking for a home with these specific characteristics:
– Four walls
– Humans
– Food
– A (dog) bed
– A front door leading to the outside world, where I can walk around and show off my beauty.
I am vaccinated and dewormed.