Second Chance Animal Rescue Society

Sunny & Pamuk

Yin and Yang are the two opposite poles of nature and life, that complete each other. Yang is the white. It is responsible for the constant movement, the aggression, the initiative, the creativity, the male power, the sky, the light, the fire, the boldness. Yin is the black. It is responsible for the darkness, the immobility, the submission, the feminine nature, the moon, the night. Together they complete each other, the depend on each other, the one creates the other and together they make the perfect whole. In a way, Sunny and Pamuk make together the perfect cat. The one completes the other, they are different, but they are also attached to each other, as if their uniqueness depends on the duality in which they grew up in and in which they live. They were raised without a mother cat, in a house of four dogs and two humans who didn’t really know what it’s like to share a home with a cat. The discovered their feline nature on their own, teaching each other, and gave cat lessons to the humans that serve them (eeh.. that foster them!). They are healthy, friendly with humans and dogs, and aggressive to shoes, curtains and things that hang from above, and because this ad cannot go on forever, their relationship can be briefly described like this: “Oh, you stumbled! Let me knock you down once and for all!” They were born in June 2018 and they will be rehomed together.
Their story:
Their video:
