It was children from a school that called us, together with their teacher, for a cat in their school yard that was badly hurt. The children were very upset and anxiously waited to know whether the cat will make it. They were just a few of all the children of the earth, that some day in the future, they will make the world a -little bit- better place to live….
If all the children of the earth
held hands tight
girls, boys together
and started dancing
the circle would grow
very very big
and the entire earth
would be embraced.
If all the children of the earth
invited the grown ups
and they left their offices
and joined the dance
the circle would grow
even bigger
and it would embrace
the earth twice.
Then, the birds would join
the flowers would join
spring would join
and the circle would grow
even bigger than before
and three times the earth
would be embraced.
Our Gea was born approximately in November of 2018. She gets along really well with kids, dogs and other cats. She will be given with contract of adoption for in house living only, within Attica’s area only, de-wormed, vaccinated and spayed. Her new guardian will be required to cover her microchip’s cost. Contact tel. number.